Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thumbs DOWN For Later Surgery :(

Hi All!

So I'm currently in my "holding cell" here at the hospital.  We arrived at the hospital promptly at 6am, were transfered to a random room, and were told... My surgery would NOT be the first of the morning like they told us last night! Grrrr... 

I already went for an MRI where they put these sweet sensors all over my head:
I'm told the sensors are used as coordinates which guide the surgeons when making their incision.  

Thumbs DOWN for waiting here 2 hours longer than I expected!  At this point I will be going to the operating room between 10 and 10:30 so surgery should be over by 1PM.  Stay tuned for updates!



  1. Hey GIRL Hey! We like your new style!

    We have some good jokes for you...

    JOKE #1: What is worse than having ANTS in your PANTS?!?!?

    (drum roll)


    JOKE #2: A horse walked into the bar and the bartender said "HEY why the long face?"

    JOKE #3: Why did the cookie go to the doctor?

    HE FELT CRUM(B)Y!!!!

    We love you!!!!!!
    Good luck!
    -Weezy, Nadyne, Courtney, Kayla, Kristin, Amy, & Jen

  2. Hi Casey,

    Long time, no talk, thought this would be a perfect opportunity to say hi and wish you best of luck and hope you'll have a fast and sexy recovery, haha. GOOD LUCK, hope you are doing well!

    - Julie Kissane

  3. Wishing you all the best Casey!!
    Vicki Waldron

  4. Get better fast, Casey!
    -Ted Strong

  5. Hi, Casey! I know you are going to be just fine, and you are in our thoughts constantly through this. You should be just about on your way to recovery now, so we will see you soon.

  6. oh daaaaammmmn gurl you look good in that gown!! ;) i love you so much and i'm praying for you today!!!!!

  7. Hey Casey good luck today. Hope all goes well. All the love from your Lil Sis !

  8. So from the looks of your forehead i can see that the Scientologists have gotten a hold of you...do not let them work their mind games Casey! Tom Cruise is probably in the waiting room jumping around the couches. If you come out of your surgery and have a craving to read sci-fi books, I think we have a problem on our hands.
